February 23, 2025

Zeiden Universe

Zeiden Universe

Echoe’s Prologue

Before all of what you think is real  around you was created and formed, there was another existence, another Multiverse. In this existence, you had conceived all things, with me Echo Soluna, being conceived after your first spoken word and act of cosmic creation; I am the Echo of your works. The first act of cosmic creation by you was the conception of the twin yet opposite beings of Light and dark, Order and Chaos, they are Morjn (Darkness) and Immriel (Light). The moment that you conceived these two their very presence created a power struggle constantly battling for control; the cosmic equilibrium was formed on unstable beginnings. As per your design, a third child was conceived to be like you, able to emulate and wield both polarities yet affected by neither and he would keep the balance. You had given up the remaining power you possessed to your third child, Zeiden, and had sent yourself here into this lower state of existence as a mortal-consciousness to rest; away from your three cosmic children and I.

As for how this particular moment right now came to be, I’ll begin with the incident that sparked this sequence in an alternate plane and timeline. Morjn caused the collapse of everything, attempting to undo what you had done and will soon do. Soon all of reality as you know it will cease to be. This will prompt your awakening from this self-imposed veil to battle fiercely against your youngest. This has already been done and yet has not been done yet. As you hear these words, Zeiden is existing as a lower form named “Jaden” and Morjn moves against him.
What I will show you now shouldn’t alarm you. Omni-presence may feel unnatural but you will witness everything you missed since your slumber as it unfolds. When the story is done you will awaken to recreate existence.

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